(Self-released 2019)
Story Of Dino And Fairy
Me And My Cat

I love 7 inches. I keep one at all times in me trousers. Alas it doesn't compare to the 7 inches of black gristle I had in me hands prior to writing this. King Moroi are back with a double A-sider featuring two stylistically different ditties. First up we have the countrified rockin' psycho belter Story Of Dino And Fairy, complete with steel guitar. I love steel guitar me. Lyrically it puts a whole new spin on the tried and tested formula of the tragedies of love you'll find in just about every country song. I love this song. It's right up my street. Speaking of lyrics, there's an insert included with this release with lyrics for both songs...and all the art has once again been masterfully created by Horror Rudey. Flipping her over we have a kick in the bollocks psychobilly song featuring passages that have a cleverly constructed ascending choral cacophony. Having listened to both songs on here a few times, it really cements the fact that I'm glad to belong to this scene. Contrary to what an outsider may think, the music (and in this case, King Moroi), offers variety and my mind boggles as to how those aforementioned outsiders can be drip-fed drivel by "popular artists" with not an inkling of how to play a musical instrument between them...or write their own songs. Thank fuck I discovered psychobilly as an impressionable teen and never grew up. Anyway, it's been three years since the last King Moroi release but the boys haven't been sitting on their arses. They've been busy touring and playing festivals and writing new material for future releases. This release you can buy direct from the band. It's official release date is November 29th and there'll be a brand new video to coincide with it. In the meantime, get those letters to Santa c/o King Moroi. Seemingly he makes an exception for psychobillies who are rarely nice.
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